Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I BOUGHT MY DRESS!!!! Okay so it's going to be 6 months yet before I get to actually try on "my" dress but I am so excited! It's going to look soooooo good. I would post a picture of it but it really doesn't do it justice so I'm not going to. So there's my current wedding update.

I'll keep you posted as things progress.

Monday, November 06, 2006

My 25th Birthday

This year I decided that I didn't want to plan my birthday party. So I made Hank do it. He did a great job. ( with help from Cat and Adam )
All my good friends were there... Cat & Adam, Jenn & Matt, Jenn and my cousin Janice.
It was a great night had by all.
We first went to Montana's for dinner. Yes they made me wear the stupid moose hat. I hate that thing. Then we went bowling at Xcalibur Bowling. That was sooo much fun... I actually beat Hank for a change!!!
Check out all of the pictures from the night

My 25th Birthday Continued

My 25th Birthday Continued

My 25th Birthday Continued

My 25th Birthday Continued...

My 25th Birthday Continued

My 25th Birthday continued

My 25th Birthday Party continued....