Wednesday, August 23, 2006

This is the coal mine just outside of Merritt. It's really depressing because you see all of these beautiful trees and wonderful scenery and all of a sudden there's this big black hole. It's huge!!!

Jason's Graduation

These are the pictures from Jason's Grad. I think they turned out alright. I just want to say that I am so proud of Jason and all of his friends for making it this far. Best of luck to you as you take this next step in your futures. May the Lord be with you as you move on to new and exciting things.
The church kids... Jason, Sarah, Jennifer & Harold
Jason & Katelyn
Jason and Katelyn
Jason with Pastor and Mrs. Numan
Tracy, Jason & Jason
Hank & Jason
I'm so proud of my little brother (okay maybe he's not so little)
Sarah receiving her diploma. Where were these dresses when I graduated?
Sha receiving her diploma. You look so beautiful.
Jason's friend Dale getting his diploma
Jennifer receiving her diploma. Another beautiful dress
Katelyn receiving her diploma. I love the dress
Jason on his way to receive his diploma
Jason walking down the isle.
Jason before grad in his suit. Doesn't he look awesome!!!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Yet More Monroe Pictures

Strange clouds that looked like waves... just upside down
Hank's Parents truck and trailer

More Monroe Pictures

All squished in the truck... don't they look happy.
Uncle Hank and Miss Willow playing bouncy in the trailer
Oh so sleepy
Squishy squishy
Mommy and Willow playing on the bed in the truck